Hackers Steal $238,000 from DeFi Project Balancer
Main page News, Hacker Attack, DeFi
Hot topic
Sept. 21, 2023

Hackers stole a total of $280,000 from DeFi programmable liquidity protocol Balancer after attacking the project's interface on September 20.

Balancer developers are reportedly still investigating the incident and it is officially unknown whether the attack also affected users' funds.

Cosme Fulanito, a representative of the project, has confirmed that the repository is "100% in order."

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Balancer is a community-driven protocol on the Ethereum network launched back in 2020. It functions as an automated wallet manager, liquidity provider and price tracker.

The platform supports seven EVM-compatible networks. According to DeFi Llama, the total value of funds locked in the second version of Balancer amounts to $608 million.

Some users have reported that after the hack, when interacting with the website, they were asked to approve a malicious contract that steals funds from wallets.

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