OKLink and CertiK Plan to Develop a Standard for Freezing Stolen Tokens
Main page News, Cryptocurrency
Hot topic
Sept. 13, 2023

OKLink and CertiK have just announced they intend to develop the Freeze Asset Request (FAR), a technical standard for requesting asset freezes.

The initiative reportedly aims to simplify the incident notification process and accelerate the blocking of stolen tokens.

Both companies have agreed to cooperate in the field of risk control and data compliance, contributing to the secure development of the Web3 industry.

OKLink has cited the increase in hacks to justify the need for the standard. According to experts, the creation of the Freeze Asset Request is in the interest of both the platforms and the affected parties.

Attackers often attempt to move compromised assets to exchanges. In response, affected parties ask the platforms in question to freeze the stolen funds. However, each site has its own procedures for handling such situations.

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