Attackers Hack into Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin's X Account
Main page News, Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, Hacker Attack

Unknown attackers have gained access to the X account of Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin.

As announced by his father, Dmitry Buterin:

"Disregard this post, apparently Vitalik has been hacked. He is working on restoring access."

It should be noted the post has already been removed. Apparently, the Ethereum co-founder has restored access to his profile.

The fraudulent post offered "commemorative NFTs to celebrate the arrival of Proto-Danksharding to Ethereum." The hacker shared a malicious link to an alleged free commemorative NFT available, prompting victims to connect their wallets before ultimately stealing all their funds.

According to blockchain analyst ZachXBT, the attackers could have scammed as much as $691,000.

Among the stolen NFTs were CryptoPunk #3983 worth 153.62 ETH or $250,000 and CryptoPunk #1751 worth 58.18 ETH or $95,000.

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