EU Unveils Strategy for Web 4.0 Development
Main page News, European Union

The European Commission has recently published a strategy to "a Web 4.0 and virtual worlds reflecting EU values and principles."

Thierry Breton, commissioner for the internal market, has said:

"We will invest in the uptake and scale-up of new technologies, and give people the tools and the skills to safely and confidently use virtual worlds."

According to the EU definition, the Web 4.0 is the fourth generation of Internet development, combining artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchains, metaverses and augmented reality.

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Breton has said the new stage of technological development will provide "an integration between digital and real objects and environments, and enhanced interactions between humans and machines."

According to the European Commission's statement:

"The outlook of the EU economy beyond 2030, published in March, highlights digitalisation as one of its key drivers and Web 4.0 as a major technological transition bringing a seamlessly interconnected, intelligent and immersive world. The global virtual worlds market size is estimated to grow from €27 billion in 2022 to over €800 billion by 2030."

The authorities have identified several key development strategies, including empowering people in the digital sector through access to reliable information and creating a pool of talented specialists.

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