HSBC Branch in Hong Kong Gives Clients Access to Crypto ETF Trading
Main page News, HSBC, ETFs, Hong Kong
Hot topic
June 27, 2023

HSBC's Hong Kong subsidiary has just announced it has started allowing its clients to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, which are already listed on the local stock exchange.

The instruments, CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF, CSOP Ethereum Futures ETF and Samsung Bitcoin Futures Active ETF, track the dynamics of futures exchange-traded funds traded on CME.

HSBC Hong Kong has become the first major institution to offer this service.

Clients can access this through mobile and online banking applications.

The local Financial Services and Treasury Bureau issued a statement in October last year to ease restrictions on cryptocurrencies and the willingness to interact with virtual asset service providers.

In January 2023, Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan announced the jurisdiction's desire to accept industry companies from around the world.

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