Main page News, Cryptocurrency
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March 21, 2023

According to analysts at analytics platform CoinShares, fund outflows from crypto-based investment products between March 11 and 17 amounted to $95 million after recording a record $255 million the previous week.

Over the past five weeks, investors have withdrawn $406 million, equivalent to 1.2% of funds under management.

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Thanks to the positive market conditions, assets under management increased to the highest level since the collapse of cryptocurrency hedge fund Three Arrows Capital in June last year, $33 billion, a weekly increase of 26%.

Daily trading volume doubled to $2.6 billion.

The flow of withdrawal requests was still concentrated in Bitcoin-based products. The respective funds lost $113 million ($244 million a week ago). Structures that allow opening short positions in Bitcoin raised $34.7 million, compared to an outflow of $1.2 million in the previous reporting period.

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