Bitcoin Price in South Korea Falls Below its Value on Global Exchanges
Main page News, South Korea, Bitcoin

The price of Bitcoin on South Korean trading platforms has fallen below its value on global exchanges, a situation opposite to the previous "kimchi premium" where the cryptocurrency was priced 15% higher than elsewhere.

According to Doo Wan Nam COO Du Van Nam, all things being equal, this indicates a declining interest in digital assets.

Between February 17 and February 19, the kimchi premium fluctuated between -0.24 and 0.01.

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Between 2016 to 2018, the "kimchi premium" hovered around 4.8%. At its peak, the figure reached almost 55%. Similar calculations were made by researchers at the University of Calgary.

In 2019, Bitcoin was trading 3-5% higher in Asian countries than in other markets.

The arbitrage opportunity disappeared when the country's authorities cracked down on illegal currency transactions using digital assets.

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