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Coinbase Pauses NFT Drops on Marketplace to Focus on Features
Main page News, NFT, Coinbase
Hot topic
Feb. 1, 2023

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase said in a tweet post it had suspended new drops on its NFT marketplace to focus more on new features and tools that "creators have asked for."

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It is unclear for how long Coinbase plans to keep the NFT marketplace without new collections, but the US-based exchange added that it is not shutting down the marketplace.

"Rest assured, our mission for Coinbase NFT hasn't changed and we remain optimistic about our future as we continue building. We're excited to find more opportunities to work with creators in the future."

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Coinbase launched its NFT marketplace in April last year. With the platform, users can follow each other's profiles and start the conversation with comments. The marketplace also has a discover feed, which is planned to be personalized in the future depending on what a user buys, what's trending, and more.

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