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Coinbase Employees Sign Petition Demanding Top Management Removal
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Coinbase is facing more pressure as employees have signed a petition calling for removal of the exchange's top management. According to the document, employees require removal of Coinbase's COO Emilie Choi, Chief Product Officer Surojit Chatterjee, and Chief People Officer LJ Brock.

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In a vote of no confidence, the exchange's employees say that the executive team has been making decisions that are "not in the best interests of the company, its employees, and its shareholders." They added:

"COO Emilie Choi, CPO Surojit Chatterjee, and Chief People Officer LJ Brock have been the most prominent executives who have been executing plans and ideas that have led to questionable results and negative value."

The petition says the employees have to deal with the "unrealistic demands from said executives and the damage they have caused on a day-to-day basis," which already led to the failure of the Coinbase NFT platform, the over-prioritization of certain products and the failure to communicate important ideas.

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As of press time, it remains unclear how many signatures were done to support the petition as the employees said the process will be made in a way "respecting the anonymity and privacy of each individual employee." Coinbase hasn't made any public statement regarding the matter so far.

The move comes after Coinbase'd Choi said in the exchange's blog post that the company wants to reprioritize its "highest-priority business goals" and reconsider the amount of human resources it needs.

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