Nouriel Roubini Urges SEC to Investigate Elon Musk for Market Manipulation
Main page News, Elon Musk, Bitcoin

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) should investigate the actions of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, in relation to the purchase of Bitcoins with the aim of manipulating the market, popular economist Nouriel Roubini said.

On February 8 it was known Tesla had invested $1.5B in Bitcoin. Previously, Musk had posted a Bitcoin hashtag in his Twitter profile description, which caused the price of the cryptocurrency to grow significantly.

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Roubini has also said the Bitcoin bubble is going to burst. According to him, this could happen due to a possible conviction of Tether and Bitfinex this year in relation to a lawsuit that is still ongoing.

Roubini said the world will gradually abandon cash and the US will create an "electronic dollar." In his view, central bank digital currencies will increase the effectiveness of monetary policy, including by introducing negative interest rates during crises.

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