Crypto Grin Network Suffers 51% Attack
Main page News, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 9, 2020

An unknown mining pool has gained control of 57% of the hashrate of the crypto's network, pool 2Miners has reported.

The reorganization of the network has taken place in block 949,474. The attack took place on November 6 at 21:38 CET.

The Grin site has shared the following message:

"More than 50% of the network's hashrate is currently outside the known pools. Given these circumstances, it is prudent to wait for additional transaction confirmations to complete payments."

Grin developers have informed traders about the incident and are working with them in order to prevent hackers from spending the coins obtained as a result of the fork.

When a group of miners control more than half of the hashrate of a network, this can affect the organization of the blocks, which can lead to high volatility in the price of the crypto and disturb the trust in the blockchain. However, a mining pool that has control of 51% or more of a network's hashrate does not necessarily mean that it has bad intentions.

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