Main page News, Bitcoin

The average value of transactions with the largest cryptocurrency in the market has posted an outstanding increase of 500% since July.

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In particular, while the average value of transactions was $25,000 four months ago, the current figure has skyrocketed to $151,000, or 500% more than the levels recorded in summer.

It must be noted that just 48 hours ago the average value was $105,000, however, over the last 2 days there has been a remarkable upturn that has pushed the figure to $151,000, coinciding with an increase in the Bitcoin trading domain, which has reached levels of 2017.

As a comparison, the average value of transactions with Ethereum, the second largest crypto in the market by capitalization, is only $793, which is 190 times less than in the case of Bitcoin. This difference highlights the strong presence of institutional investors in Bitcoin.

However, in terms of the number of daily transactions, ETH is the indisputable winner. Thus, in August, coinciding with the boom of the DeFi sector, the number of daily transactions with Ethereum hit 1.29 million (August 10), a maximum not reached in 2 years, while in the case of Bitcoin the figure was between 300K and 350K.

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