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US crypto trading platform Coinbase has just offered an exit package to employees wishing to leave the company.

According to an e-mail sent by the company's CEO Brian Armstrong to his employees, the exchange is offering an exit package to employees who no longer want to work for the company after it stated its apolitical mission.

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Armstrong has recently published a post on the company's official blog in which he explains the reasons why the exchange will focus primarily on cryptos rather than social activism. Soon after, he sent an e-mail to employees letting them know they have a special exit package available in case they decide to leave the company if they feel its mission does not align with their values:

"If you're interested in speaking with HR about this package (not committing to take it, but beginning a discussion) please fill out this form and someone will reach out shortly. Your conversation will be confidential with HR unless you choose to include your manager. If you decide to proceed, HR will provide you with a separation agreement and work with you on your last day."

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