1,400 BTCs Stolen From Investor Using Old Version of Electrum Wallet
Main page News, Hacker Attack, Cryptocurrency
Hot topic
Aug. 31, 2020

Some attackers have stolen 1,400 BTCs (about $16.3M) from an investor who had stored his coins in his wallet since 2017.

A user under the pseudonym 1400BitcoinStolen has said in GitHub he had stored his cryptos in his Electrum wallet, which he had not accessed since he bought the coins.

After deciding to transfer his funds, he installed an old version of the app that did not allow him to complete the operation. A pop-up window advised him to update the wallet to its latest version for security reasons. After the update was done, his assets were transferred to an address belonging to the attackers.

The investor did not tell whether he was using the original version of Electrum or not. Some users believe the theft was possible thanks to the fact he had not updated the wallet.

Blockstream CEO Adam Back believes the user allegedly connected to a malicious server that sent him a notification about the need to update the app.

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