KPMG Launches Crypto Asset Management Tools
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June 23, 2020

KPMG, one of the world's 4 largest consulting and auditing firms, has just announced it has developed a series of tools that allow traditional financial companies and fintech startups to provide crypto asset management services.

According to the company's announcement that was made yesterday, the product, which is dubbed KPMG Chain Fusion and is intended for institutional clients, allows clients to manage their data while meeting all requirements related to financial reporting, security and processing needs.

The solution offers users the ability to collect and manage data from different sources, both traditional databases and more modern sources such as a blockchain.

Sam Wyner, director and co-leader of the crypto assets team, said his team has been working on the project for a year, however, the development of the product started in February.

The KPMG Chain Fusion solution allows organizations to manage all transactions through a single system, regardless of whether they are off-chain, on-chain or fiat transactions.

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