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The blockchain community has started the fExit campaign, which aims to ask users to stop using Facebook and instead use alternative, decentralized platforms to store and monetize content. The campaign has reportedly been started because the social network censors and manipulates the data of its users.

This initiative is a continuation of the #ForkGoogle movement against Google's and YouTube's pressure on the crypto industry. Apparently, the origin of this initiative lies in the fact that Facebook has been exploiting the paradigm of offering its "free" tools in exchange of access to the personal data of its users.

The main objectives of the initiative are to return the proper management of private data to customers, to transfer the management of the community to the hands of its contributors, to reward psychological work through algorithms and to directly monetize the communities through promoting income.

The campaign aims to demonstrate that there are alternatives to centralized video hosting and social networks, including blockchain services, where discrimination against users and monopoly of content moderation are impossible. Marina Guryeva, CEO of the blockchain social network Commun, said:

"The economics of social networking are in want of change. As an alternative of exploiting private information in trade for “free” providers, we have to construct fashions following the instance of the DAO, the place selections on the degree of a person community and all the platform are made by customers, reasonably than the conditional Mark Zuckerberg."

For instance, the Commun model involves rewarding content authors with an internal currency that can later be converted into cryptos or fiat money. Other participants in the process, community leaders and users involved in the classification of content, also become subjects of the community economy. The rules of each community are recorded in a blockchain, which eliminates any ambiguous interpretations and the abuse of moderation.

You can support the fExit campaign by joining the community on Twitter, Facebook and Commun.

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