BitMEX Sees Biggest Opportunity for Bitcoin in Crisis
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March 18, 2020

Cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX considers the current state of affairs as the biggest opportunity that bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin) has ever seen in its short lifetime.

The exchange said the recent crash of bitcoin's price was inevitable as investors raced to the US Dollar.

"Where the Bitcoin price may shine is in the volatile inflationary aftermath of the response to the crash," the exchange added.

BitMEX considers the current crisis as the change of economic regime, where the financial markets are set loose, "with no significant anchor at all, not even inflation targeting."

As the Chinese coronavirus pandemic spread continues, the exchange predicts governments will also be under considerable pressure from the population.

While the main goal will be focused on mitigating the impact of coronavirus, political populism, according to BitMEX, driven by growing income and wealth inequality will also pressurize the government to spend more.

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Earlier the UK Financial Supervisory Authority (FCA) notified investors that the BitMEX did not receive a license to operate in the country and could potentially conduct fraudulent activities.

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