Bakkt Starts Testing Bitcoin Futures Today
Main page News, Bitcoin

Digital assets platform Bakkt, a subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), is starting today to allow its users to test bitcoin futures with physical delivery.

Adam White, the company's chief operating officer, said on his blog that the platform will launch a beta test version of this new investment instrument already today.

Sam Doctor, strategist at Fundstrat Global Advisors, a New York-based firm, has said there are already a large number of institutional investors who want to enter the market after the launch of this new instrument, since Bakkt's product will become the first regulated instrument of its kind in the U.S.

Adam White has said the release of physical delivery bitcoin futures will set new standards for the crypto market as a whole.

All crypto traders must complete KYC and AML procedures before they can buy bitcoin futures contracts. Bakkt is awaiting regulatory approval from the CFTC before officially launching its bitcoin futures with physical delivery.

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