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March 14, 2019

An open-source blockchain-based tech ledger IOTA (MIOTA) has announced a new standard that will enable IOTA-based applications to be built around geographic regions, according to the official announcement.

The new feature, which is called IOTA Area Codes (IACs) will allow IOTA’s users to link transactions with a centralized service, like a data marketplace, that collects locations to store and serve it to consumers.

IOTA Presents Geo-tag Transactions Feature

"IACs are a direct copy of the Open Location Codes, also known as Plus Codes, proposed by Google Zurich in 2014. There are a few minor changes to make it compatible with IOTA’s encoding," highlights the announcement.

Earlier, IOTA said it will remove the Coordinator, a feature which secures the IOTA’s network from double spend from the IOTA network, to become a more decentralized community.

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