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KodakONE, the developer of an image rights management platform based on a blockchain licensed by the photo industry giant Kodak, gained over $1 million in image licensing applications during a limited beta test of its platform, according to BreakerMag.

As previously reported, the KodakONE platform is an image right management platform which is a joint project between two firms: Wenn Digital and Kodak.

Back in January 2018, when Kodak first announced the partnership with Wenn Digital. Back then, the company's stock rose to $6.85.

It’s worth noting that KODAKOne is not a part of the Eastern Kodak, though the Kodak name was registered from Eastman Kodak by RYDE Holding.

It’s expected that in the future, the platform will deploy its ready-for-use tech to manage licenses in large-scale usage.

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