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Nov. 23, 2018

Edward Snowden in a recent interview with American Civil Liberties Union has said that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (BTC) don’t have a broad range of value despite of the mainstream believe that bitcoin may be used as a payment method.

Edward Snowden is former contractor for the U.S. government who disclosed and shared classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013.

Snowden says that the only thing that gives cryptos value is the belief of a large upcoming population in their usefulness as a means of exchange.

“That belief is how cryptocurrencies move enormous amounts of money across the world electronically, without the involvement of banks, every single day,” says Snowden.

Previously, Snowden said that NSA had been monitoring the bitcoin blockchain with an eye on identifying users on the distributed network. The NSA collected some of bitcoin users’ confidential information, internet activity, and a type of unique device identification number known as a MAC address.

Earlier, well-known whistleblower Edward Snowden wrote an article for the book called "The End of Trust" explaining how blockchain and cryptocurrency work and shared his opinion about blockchain and its influence on our society, according to the recent tweet that was posted on the official Snowden’s account.

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