Main page News, Tech, Energy, South Korea, Blockchain, Future

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) has announced it would use blockchain-based and other digital technologies in its development of a new microgrid product.

KEPCO is the largest South Korean manufacturer that is responsible for generation & supplying of electricity and the development of electric power and the development of electric power projects (nuclear, wind and coal power).

The announcement states that KEPCO is pursuing "KEPCO Open MG Project" to develop "Future Micro Grid (MG)". It’s said that KEPCO Open MG is an “open energy community” which is consist of digital techs such as energy solution and blockchain.

With the help of decentralized tech, KEPCO wants to increase the energy independence rate and efficiency.

Despite the situation on crypto space, blockchain is doing quite good, including the fact that previously the U.S. Sen­ate even de­cided to dis­cuss using blockchain in the en­ergy sec­tor in order to find out if this tech­nol­ogy is ca­pa­ble of im­prov­ing the in­dus­try.

It’s also worth noting that South Korea is trying to do its best to make the blockchain adoption faster and simpler. My­ongji Hos­pi­tal, which is con­sid­ered to be one the South Korea’s largest hos­pi­tals has con­cluded a part­ner­ship with a Ko­rean tech com­pany in order to de­velop a med­ical ser­vices plat­form on blockchain tech­nol­ogy.

Earlier, the Min­istry of Sci­ence and ICT of South Korea announced a six-month course on learn­ing the dis­trib­uted ledger tech­nol­ogy. The aim of the courses was to in­crease the num­ber of qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists in the de­vel­op­ing blockchain in­dus­try of the coun­try.

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