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Nov. 15, 2018

The President of the Marshall Islands, Hilda Heine that is famous for pushing an introduction of sovereign, state-backed cryptocurrency recently survived her vote of no confidence, according to the report of local news media Nikkei Asian Review.

As it was earlier reported, Hilda Heine faced her first vote of no con­fi­dence that was in­tro­duced by eight sen­a­tors due to her controversial plan to introduce Sovereign - government based cryptocurrency.

As it was stated by Nikkei, Heine has recently survived the vote of no confidence as the parliament was split 16 to 16, and her opponents failed to gain the extra vote needed to oust her from leading the country and remaining as the nation’s head of state.

The Re­pub­lic of the Mar­shall Is­lands, with a pop­u­la­tion of roughly 70,000 peo­ple initially announced their plans to re­lease its own cryp­tocur­rency - the Sov­er­eign - to serve as an of­fi­cial legal ten­der.

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