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Nov. 6, 2018

Most of the stolen funds after hacking this year’s Bithumb crypto exchange were sent to the Russian Yobit exchange. This conclusion was made by Crystal Blockchain Analytics’ researchers after a thorough study of the data.

To create a more complete picture, which led to a loss of $31 million, including 2,016 BTC (Bitcoin), the team analyzed the transaction in the four days preceding the hacking. Using the Crystal Blockchain data analysis toolkit, they found out that 38 wallets may belong to hackers and were replenished at 2002.52 BTC. All transactions took place from June 19 to June 20 and provoked a global increase in transaction fees and network overload.

On August 2, analysts marked the beginning of the movement of 1973.5 BTC from the tracked addresses to Yobit exchange and from August 31 the transfer of the balance to 29 BTC to the service.

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