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Nov. 6, 2018

UK-based crypto and fiat exchange platform eToro releases its wallet for bitcoin and three altcoins.

Yoni Assia, eToro CEO, comments:

“The eToro wallet today is just the beginning and we will adding a whole host of additional functionality which will include supporting additional crypto and fiat tokens, crypto to crypto conversion, the ability to deposit fiat, payment in store and more.”

The wallet supports Bitcoin (Bitcoin), Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin.Cash), Ethereum (ETH/USD) and Litecoin (LTC/USD). eToro plans to include additional functionality to the wallet in the future.

Now eToro wallet is available to all EU residents, as well as Switzerland and Gibraltar. However, in order to get access to the new wallet, users must be members of Platinum Club, that is, they must hold assets worth $25,000 on the platform. But the company promised to soon provide access to the eToro wallet for more users, as well as add other coins.

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