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Oct. 28, 2018

The rating agency Weiss Ratings has revealed a list of cryptos that the agency believe investors shouldn’t buy.

According to the authors of the assessment, the purchase of bitcoin diamond (BCD), aurora chain (AOA), credits (CS), and mixin (XIN) may be very risky.

In particular, Weiss Ratings’s analyst Juan Villaverde described in detail the problems of some crypto projects. For example, the creators of bitcoin diamond, according to his opinion, made no significant changes to the bitcoin (BTC) code, though presented their fork as a great discovery.

The crypto was launched at the end of 2017, in the middle of “crypto hype”, and since then the project team has practically not been engaged in its development.

Earlier in October, Weiss Ratings conducted survey in which it found out that the Twitter community considers investing in a digital currency such as XRP from Ripple as the best investment in virtual tokens, worth less than $1.

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