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Oct. 26, 2018

During a recent speech at the 2018 International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Annual Japan Conference in Tokyo, CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam compared dApps as “innovations” of blockchain technology.

Behnam said:

“Just take a moment to think about all the possible use cases for DLT from agriculture to healthcare, finance to art, CryptoKitties to Dogecoin. These innovations are more than just technology: They inspire us to find solutions for every problem or hurdle we encounter—and sometimes, they are just fun.”

At the end of his speech, Rostin Behnam highlighted that regulator “must approach FinTech with an open mind and a healthy respect for our role in the markets.”

However, earlier Rostin Behnam pursued a different strategy. On May, Behnam expressed concern that cryptocurrencies could become a threat to financial stability in the foreseeable future, calling on market participants to work together and seek regulatory solutions.

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