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Oct. 5, 2018

Time has included one of the oldest blockchain startups in the “most genius companies” list. This is Bitland, which uses DLT technology to create land registries.

To compile the rating, the magazine management asked its correspondents to nominate companies that “invent the future”, then candidates were evaluated by their originality, influence, and success. The list is posted on the Time website.

Bitland has become a very famous company in Ghana. According to the IMF, 90% of the land is not registered in this country, so their owners can’t count on the help of lawyers in case of disputes or theft their land. Startup employees check the ownership and then register owners in the blockchain system using GPS-coordinates.

The work takes place in close cooperation with officials. In addition, Bitland issues its own token, which allows using the sites as trading tools. The project began in 2016 in Ghana. Now Bitland works in seven countries in Africa and India, and also supports Native American communities in the United States.

Time list also includes well-known companies like Disney, Netflix, Amazon, Nike, Alibaba, SpaceX, Slack, Volvo, and others.

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