Apple iOS 12 Update Introduces Bitcoin Glyphs
Main page News, Apple, Bitcoin

Apple recognizes Bitcoin but still, there are no bitcoin emojis available. However, with the iOS 12 update, there are two bitcoin glyphs in the Shortcut application, thenextweb reports.

Shortcut application lets users set up Siri to execute operations with customized voice commands. As shortcut icons there are now two glyphs whose colors can be also changed by users.

Apple does not include mining apps in their platforms and a couple of times it has removed fake bitcoin applications.

The company stays neutral to crypto at the moment, however, adding these glyphs can be read like a positive approach to crypto.


  • Apple is clearly a trendsetter and every action is being put under the microscope by the community. It will not be far-fetched to say that the mass adoption is near.

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