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Just after Bitcoin brushed a $6,000 barrier, a large number of BTC, 18,000 of them to be precise, has been hauled from 17 different wallets to one related to BitMEX, Cryptovest reports.

It is still not clear where did all these coins come from and what were the motives.

Some might assume that this is a move to manipulate the market. However, 18,000 coins are unlikely to make big waves, as it is just 0,1% of all circulating BTC.


  • It is possible that these coins came from cold wallets of BitMEX since most crypto exchanges keep assets in offline wallets and bring them on the table when they forecast a substantial change in the market and raise its liquidity.
  • Even though there is a “3BMEX” prefix at the majority of wallets related to BitMEX, the activity may be not connected with the exchange’s actions. Although it would be a rational idea, considering the number of coins involved in the transaction.
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