Main page News, Malta

Fundraising platform Neufund, which is a partner of the first decentralized bank of Malta Founders Bank, will launch a platform for issuing security-tokens together with the Binance crypto-exchange.

Seven companies already plan to become participants of the platform: the Founders Bank itself, Brille24, Uniti, Myswooop, Next Big Thing, Blockstate and Emflux Motors. The project will start working in the test mode in second half of 2018, but in the meanwhile its awaiting for an approval from the regulators.

Representatives of Neufund are confident that the pilot project will test the market reaction and realize the overall idea holds minimal risks. For the first time in history, the sale of tokens will be backed up by legal justification, they added.

The second platform will be called OKMSX. The Bank of Malta will launch it together with the OKEx exchange. Both sides say they would strive to complete the joint venture by the end of Q3 of 2018.

Representatives of OKEx are confident that the platform will become an important milestone in the development of the economy of Malta, which is now as open as possible for crypto and blockchain.

The new platform will serve customers from all over the world. OKMSX will use the experience of the exchange in servicing trades in digital assets and the 26-year experience of the Maltese Stock Exchange in regulated trading in securities.


1. Firmes based in Malta cooperating with local authorities should be a sign to investors that the ventures will be trustworthy.

2. The Maltese bank also plans to obtain a European license so that all services provided by the site are considered legal. If successful, it will become the world's first decentralized bank owned by the cryptocurrency community. The owners of the bank will be considered all holders of its tokens.

By Ekaterina Ulyanova

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