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June 24, 2018

On midday June 22 London time, bitcoin (Bitcoin) fell below the psychological mark of $6,000 where it still remains. With this bitcoin has set this year’s new price low record. According to Bitfinex, the cryptocurrency has dropped to around $5,800. We haven’t seen this number since October of last year.

At the moment of publication the price has rebounded, Coinmarketcap values bitcoin at around $5,900, with the market cap at $101 billion.

But could the price of bitcoin follow what’s been happening during 2018 Fifa World Cup? We have already toyed with the idea that if cryptocurrencies were football teams. The strongest of them all, bitcoin without any doubt would be Germany, the current World Cup holder.

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So, could it be that Germany’s unlikely loss to Mexico could have somehow influenced bitcoin’s price? And is it now possible for bitcoin to bounce back and regain its confidence after an inspirational win by the German side over Sewden?

by Henry Addams

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