After Block Producer (BP) voting, held on June 6, the launch of the EOS network was postponed. Currently, the platform is undergoing a serious security check. The launch will take place only when the developers confirm the absence of vulnerabilities. BP voting is held every day, but the up to date, the situation remains a “No Go”
Once the Block Producers will finally vote “Go”, EOS will move from the Ethereum platform to its own. Yesterday, the company announced on their official twitter page that “the security audit is not finished but no show-stopping bugs have been found”.
However, the token holder community still was not provided with all the necessary answers to why the launch is still postponed even all the problems claimed to be solved. That’s why the company has promised since tomorrow's voting to broadcast them live.
EOS has updated the historical maximum and reached $22,89 on April 29, following the news of the launch of its own network. One month later, May 29, Qihoo 360, China’s largest internet security firm, has found bugs in the EOS mainnet, claiming that the blockchain’s vulnerability could let attackers remotely run arbitrary code on network nodes, subsequently gaining full control over them. This led to 50% drop in EOS price to $11,89. Cryptocurrency is currently trading at $14,07
Meanwhile, Bitmex, the crypto exchange, has announced the start of listing futures contracts for the EOS (EXANTE: EOS.EXANTE) (EOSM18) with expiration date June 29, 2018
By Nadya Astam