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April 12, 2018

A new player has entered the field of cryptocurrency exchanges. AlphaBit CryptoCurrency Exchange launched on 9th April for invited users and is slated to open to the public on 28th April 2018. ABCC is the first crypto exchange in the world to offer commission-free cryptocurrency.

The platform aims to encourage mass participation in the trading of these cryptocurrency assets to leverage on their benefits, with the view that blockchain technology and the digitization of assets will be an integral part of the future of advanced economies.

ABCC is the brainchild of Mr. Calvin Cheng, a Singaporean entrepreneur, who listed his e-learning platform Retech on the Australian stock exchange in 2017.

Presenting the new project he said:

“I believe that entrepreneurs in the blockchain field need to proactively create a healthy industry environment as well as follow a sustainable business model. As the industry matures, these blockchain projects need real world applications which generate real social value. Through ABCC, we hope to alleviate this problem by encouraging more users to have a frictionless experience when trading cryptocurrencies.”

By Ksenia Batanova

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