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April 11, 2018

Hedge fund manager Claudio Guazzoni de Zanett has put his Manhattan townhome on the market for nearly $30 million in USD or $45 million in cryptocurrencies, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Zanett, who runs the hedge fund Lyster-Zanett, said he will accept payment in Bitcoin (Bitcoin), Ripple (XRP/USD), or Ethereum (ETH/USD) and added that his higher listing price in crypto is due to the market’s erratic price swings.

“I’m a true believer in these networks, but it’s very volatile,” Zanett said.

“They could be down 60 percent in two weeks,” he added.

Last March Zanett and his wife were fined $8,000 for listing the townhouse rooms online as rental units for short-term stays of less than 30 days, which is illegal in New York.

The house has six levels and boasts more than 12,300 square feet. It’s more than 20-feet wide and is designed with marble and limestone. The townhouse is located in Manhattan’s wealthy Upper East Side neighborhood.

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

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