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April 11, 2018

US-based cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex has announced in its official statement the resumption of new user registrations.

Bittrex also said it has made enhancements to the company’s website and the trading platform.

“Pausing new user signups during a period of immense trading volume was not a decision we took lightly, but our responsibility to provide customers with a reliable platform and outstanding customer service, made it the right thing to do,” Bittrex CEO Bill Shihara said.

“After diligently working to improve our infrastructure and upgrade our website, we’re pleased to announce registration for new users resumed today,” he added.

New users will need to submit to identity verification procedures to use the trading platform.

In December, Bittrex temporarily paused signups for new users to preserve the experience, stability and security of the platform for existing customers as the company worked on improving the infrastructure to efficiently manage the immense amount of interest from new users.

By Siranush Ghazanchyan

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