Main page News, Mining, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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April 2, 2018

The South Korean police have arrested 14 people representing 13 independent companies accused of mining cryptocurrency with illegal electrical supply, Finance Magnates reports.

According to the police statement, each company was using from 100 up to 350 machines to mint Bitcoins (Bitcoin) with an energy discount of 10%.

the people were caught carrying out illegal mining in 4 different facilities in the southwestern city of Gwangju in South Korea.

This is not the first time that crypto miners would be busted for illegal use of subsidized electrical power both office and public areas in South Korea. For instance, an electronics retail marketplace, August 2017, banned every vendor from mining cryptocurrencies in the stores.

Another electronics shopping mall located in Seoul, Yongsam Market, also placed a ban on cryptocurrency mining in the stores with claims that it poses safety risks and increases utility bills.

Finance Magnates reports

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