Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency
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March 8, 2018

The cryptocurrency Ethereum is likely to see a bigger increase in market capitalisation than Bitcoin by the end of this year. Finder — a consumer product and services comparison website has made the conclusion after surveying nine blockchain industry participants, the South China Morning Post reported.

The research on the price trend for the world’s top 12 cryptocurrencies found that Ethereum will see the biggest increase in market cap, at 212 percent, followed by Bitcoin at 194 percent, and Bitcoin Cash at 123 percent.

In terms of price prediction, Ethereum will however rank third, at US$2,550, by end of this year; while Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are forecast to trade at US$29,533 and US$2,721 respectively, taking the top two spots.

The predictions were based on their price levels seen on February 27, which were recorded at US$873, US$10,388 and US$1,258 respectively.

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