Main page News, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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Jan. 9, 2018

JPMorgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon says he regrets having called Bitcoin (TIKER:BTC.EXANTE) “a fraud” in September, but adds that he still is not interested in the cryptocurrency.

“The blockchain is real. You can have crypto yen and dollars and stuff like that. ICO's you have to look at individually”, Dimon said in an exclusive interview with FOX Business.

“The Bitcoin to me was always what the governments are gonna feel about bitcoin as it gets really big, and I just have a different opinion than other people. I'm not interested that much in the subject at all.”

Meanwhile, addressing the JPMorgan Health Care Conference in San Francisco today, Jamie Dimon, spoke pessimistically about the viability of decentralized cryptocurrency, predicting that all digital currencies will eventually be fiat, or government-controlled, CoinTelegraph reported.

Dimon’s argument is that blockchain technology will be used and developed, but that the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies will not last.

“The blockchain technology will be used. It may be used to transport currency, but it will be US dollars. Virtual currency where it’s called a Bitcoin as opposed to a dollar will be stopped.”

Bitcoin price has slightly increased in the past 24 hours, and the cryptocurrency is currently trading at $15 066, according to

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