Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Cryptocurrency
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Dec. 19, 2017

The total cryptocurrency market capitalisation has surpassed $600 billion, according to data by, reported.

Leading the charge is Bitcoin (EXANTE: Bitcoin), which has a robust market cap of over $329 billion. Coming in second is Ethereum (ETH/USD), with a total of almost $70 billion market cap. Rounding out the top five are: Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash) - $31.6 billion, the surging Ripple - $29 billion, and the popular Litecoin (LTC/USD) - $17.5 billion.

At $400 billion, the crypto market cap exceeded that of corporate giants such as Facebook (XETRA: FB2A) and JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM). Right now, three major companies have more market cap that cryptocurrency: Apple (XETRA: APC) - $873 billion, Alphabet (Google) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) – almost $716 billion, and Microsoft (XETRA: MSF) - $640 billion.

This robust growth comes amid the Bitcoin futures debut on CBOE and CME Group.

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