Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 30, 2017

Bitcoin Cash (TIKER: BCH.EXANTE) developer team, Bitcoin ABC, has released a new 6-12-month roadmap, outlining the plans to increase the cryptocurrency's block size again next year, CoinDesk reported.

The roadmap envisages two hard forks scheduled for May and November of 2018.

“Our top priority for Bitcoin Cash is to keep improving it as a great form of money. We want to make it more reliable, more scalable, with low fees and ready for rapid growth,” the team said.

“It should “just work”, without complications or hassles. It should be ready for global adoption by mainstream users, and provide a solid foundation that businesses can rely on,” the statement reads.

Bitcoin cash supporters believe increasing the block size is key to accomplishing this, since fees will theoretically rise less quickly as the block size increases.

The Bitcoin ABC developers lay out other possible features, such as reviving older rules that had been deactivated in the code.

The roadmap is subject to change as the community chimes in, however. Bitcoin ABC is only one of several bitcoin cash software implementations that need to agree and move forward with the change.

The group doesn't plan to release a formal announcement until February 2018.

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