Main page News, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 23, 2017

Ethereum (ETH/USD), which has had a 5-month slump since June, is now ready to break through $400 and reach new highs, Cryptovest reported.

The world’s second largest cryptocurrency in terms of market cap started this year at only around $8, and has recorded gains of up to 4,800% since then.

According to Cryptocoins News, the Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash (EXANTE: Bitcoin.Cash) prices have risen significantly within a 24-hour period, as the price of Ether surpassed $380, while Bitcoin Cash recorded a staggering 31 percent daily increase.

The Bitcoin Cash market and industry are growing at a rapid rate, primarily due to the increasing adoption of the cryptocurrency amongst Btcoin platforms. Most recently, Bitstamp and Blockchain, major Bitcoin exchanges and wallet platforms, announced their plans to integrate Bitcoin Cash by the end of 2017.

The integration of Bitcoin Cash by Bitstamp will grant the cryptocurrency with more liquidity apart from South Korean trading platforms such as Bithumb, Korbit, and Coinone, which have been accountable for nearly 60 percent of global Bitcoin Cash trades.

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