Main page News, Bitcoin Gold, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 10, 2017

The team behind Bitcoin Gold has announced that its launch, which had originally been set for November 1, will be this weekend on November 12 at 7 p.m UTC, Cryptovest reported.

In a blog post, it was noted that wallets and exchanges will be able to process deposits, withdrawals and trades as soon as they are ready.

“This is the culmination of months of hard work, which have led to many changes and improvements,” the statement reads.

Among others improvements include implementation of a unique “G” and “A” prefixed address format, which will help avoid accidental coin transactions to incorrect destinations.

The team also promises to refine the per-block difficulty adjustment algorithm to better respond to dynamic changes in hashing power.

Following the launch, team members said they will provide the Bitcoin Gold full node client download on its website.

The BTG blockchain will officially be live, with blocks mined openly by users and pools from all around the world.

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