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Nov. 1, 2017

Vladivostok has been selected as a pilot city to launch two cryptocurrency agencies that will educate citizens on intricacies of cryptocurrency. The move follows Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent mandate on cryptocurrency regulations set to be finalised in July of 2018, Block Tribune reported.

The Crypto-Advisory set to open on November 15 will be tasked to advise people and will be open to all interested in cryptocurrencies. Seminars will be held on the first day, and individuals who attend will receive a certificate and be eligible to work with clients as professionals afterward.

Victor Fersht, the director of the Inter-University Center for the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Russia explained: “If you want to get more information in depth, then sign up for the seminar, it lasts 36 hours, and you will receive a certificate and will [be allowed to] work with cryptocurrency or with clients as a professional.”

The Crypto-Detective agency, in turn, will try to help citizens on proper safeguarding. This includes dealing with phishing sites, fake cyber wallets and hacker attacks, threats that exist in the modern world.

According to Fersht, “if this project proves to be successful, then in the middle of next year, this structure will join the federal crypto-detective agency.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his government to devise a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. The Kremlin published five instructions by President Putin on its website requiring the government to come up with legal definitions for cryptocurrencies, create a tax on mining them, and a legal procedure for initial coin offerings based on Russian IPO regulation by July next year.

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