Main page News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
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Nov. 1, 2017

Colorado based Global Medical Innovations, LLC will be the first medical device company to accept Bitcoin (Bitcoin) as payment for its Freedom Belt flagship product, Newswire reported.

This willingness to accept cryptocurrency far ahead of even major online companies like Amazon goes to show the degree to which Global Medical Innovations, LLC thinks far outside the box, the company said.

Dr. Mario Torres-Leon, the founder and CMO of Global Medical Innovations, said, “If a customer feels more comfortable paying for their life changing Freedom Belt with Bitcoin, then we warmly welcome that and it’s one more way that we show we care about our customers.”

“Accepting cryptocurrency is just another way we can show our customers that we care enough to think of their preferences, whether it’s via the color of their Freedom Belt, that they wear around their waist, or the way they desire to make their payment. At the end of the day though, what this all comes down to is serving our customers as best as we can and that is exactly what Global Medical Innovations, LLC does,” he added.

Global Medical Innovations, LLC specializes in developing, manufacturing and distributing products employed in procedures where minimally invasive surgical techniques are utilized.

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