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Oct. 6, 2017

In October, London will host ICO Event London 2017, dedicated to Initial Coin Offering (ICO),

The event that kicks off on October 11 will feature blockchain and cryptocurrency experts, venture investors, lawyers, and startup founders, raising a great startup capital due to the ICO.

ICO Event London 2017 is one of the first major events dedicated to the new investment method. London has been selected to host this event as a center of investments and a financial hub with plenty of young companies.

According to Smile-Expo, an organizer known by its Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference network, the event will be useful both in the context of ICO implementation and from a perspective of investors.

The platform will allow establishing dialogue between successful project teams and conducting an analysis of mistakes.

Guests will also be able to attend an exhibition of services related to ICO implementation, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain.

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