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Oct. 4, 2017

Gemalto (EURONEXT: GTO), the world leader in digital security, and Ledger, a leader in security and infrastructure for cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications, today announced a technology partnership to deliver high-assurance security infrastructure for crypto assets applications, Globe News Wire reports.

The joint Gemalto and Ledger solution consists шn integration of Ledger's unique Blockchain Open Ledger Operating System (BOLOS) into Gemalto's industry-leading SafeNet Hardware Security Module (HSM) to provide a secure environment for financial institutions looking to leverage cryptocurrency.

"We plan to leverage SafeNet HSM to provide our clients in the financial industry with a unique, secure product line customized to their needs," said Eric Larchevêque, CEO at Ledger.

Todd Moore, Senior Vice President of Encryption Products at Gemalto, commented: "Beyond the financial services market, we are also working with Ledger to embed BOLOS into any device's secure element and bring high-assurance security to markets like smart energy applications, home automation or wearables."

The solution enables a variety of use cases, such as launching investable products on cryptocurrencies, or stocking cryptocurrencies securely. It also builds in the ability to execute blockchain-based smart contracts, which are self-enforcing, self-executing digitally signed contracts.

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