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Aug. 8, 2017

Bitcoin (Bitcoin) marches on markets setting new records one after another, but it’s not getting any less risky, warned Bloomberg columnist covering finance and markets Lionel Laurent.

True, the track-record of this crypto-currency is really fascinating: it has just hit a new high of more than $3,300, after having jumped 50% up in one month, 200% in six months and 30,000% in five years.

At the same time Bitcoin is becoming more volatile. According to Bloomberg data, its 30-day volatility index is at its highest since early 2015.

This is a clear manifestation of aggressive speculative games being played by Bitcoin traders.

One trader — "Spoofy" — has got into spotlight recently, when a blogger reported that he apparently place million-dollar orders for Bitcoin and did not actually execute them.

Although many investors and traders are willing to bet that Bitcoin will keep on rising, this crypto-currency remains essentially unregulated. That’s why risks also remain very high, Lionel Laurent supposes.

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