DeFi Project 1inch Releases Mobile Wallet for Android Devices
Main page Technologies, DeFi
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April 1, 2022

Liquidity aggregator for decentralized exchanges 1inch has just launched the 1inch Wallet app for Android mobile devices.

According to Sergej Kunz, co-founder of 1inch Network:

"1inch always aims to make its products available to new audiences. Now, numerous Android users across the globe will be able to take advantage of 1inch functionality on their mobile devices."

The developers launched the 1inch Wallet app for iOS back in April 2021. The Android product has a similar set of features, combining the capabilities of the web version of the aggregator and the mobile wallet.

Access more than 50 of the world's financial markets directly from your EXANTE account – including NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Users can store, send, receive and trade cryptocurrencies on the Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum, Gnosis Chain and Avalanche networks.

The wallet supports the WalletConnect protocol, so it can connect to a decentralized application in any browser and on any device.

Among the application's features, the developers have highlighted support for Flashbot transactions that protect users from front-running and sandwich attacks, Google Drive and file backup, as well as biometric authentication.

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