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There are more and more multimillionaires among those who are involved in the crypto and NFT world. Do you know why? They own blockchain-based online platforms, buy and sell NFTs, and trade various cryptocurrency collectibles around the clock. As CoinMarketCap reports, on average, NFT trading platforms worldwide have a daily trading volume of $5.2 billion – and the numbers are growing. Hence, now is the right time to develop the NFT market and become the real NFT-enthusiast.

Liquidifty marketplace is one of the best NFT marketplaces and a Launchpad, offers its users a wide range of crypto and NFT investing options such as IDO, INO, cash lotteries, airdrops and others.

The interface is simple and therefore very powerful, and there you will find several tools that will allow anyone to start making money, either from mining or NFT betting. You'll be able to create your own unique collections and your own store in just a minute.

Multi-Chain experience

Liquidifty will be able to give you the best interchain liquidity in the global NFT marketplace. With the new features, the cryptocurrency world can be used and experienced by all ardent users of the platform without any difficulty.

Liquidifty provides the ability to buy or sell NFTs from the BNB and Polygon chains. In the future, Avalanche, Ethereum, Fantom and other chains will be implemented on the platform. Next, interchain oracles will be developed to analyze the prices of NFTs on different blockchains and thus estimate the price of each NFT that users own.

Liquidifty's mission will make it possible to create a borderless NFT ecosystem through all integrations – users will be able to interact with decentralized products and services without intermediaries.

Easy to start and earn

Liquidifty will be able to offer digital developers opportunities such as quick and easy NFT creation. Even newcomers to the NFT world will find it easy to create their first NFT and start making money from it. To make sure you don't miss anything, we've created a step-by-step guide for anyone who still thinks they don't know much about this world and wants to explore the possibilities of NFT.

Whether you consider yourself already an experienced digital artist or are introducing an NFT project, Liquidifty offers you the opportunity to start your own NFT store and customize it to your liking. Personalize it however you like - choose a profile picture, a cover picture, choose your own – the page is completely yours. Liquidifty will not charge you anything for creating your store, and you can count on the team to help you every step of the way: from page creation to sales and analysis.

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